I’ve been thinking about the Israelites in the wilderness recently. A couple aspects of that wandering have come to mind fairly frequently, and I see a relatively high degree of applicability in that.
For starters, there’s the manna, and how that highlights their dependence on the Lord. That’s not to say that we receive daily provision from anyone but the Lord now, but it’s more obvious when they literally would not have food for the day if the Lord did not sustain them and send that to them (Exodus 16). It’s a little easier to overlook His providence these days, when with just a little planning, I can go two weeks between trips to the grocery store.
The second aspect that has been coming to mind recently is that the Lord literally led the Israelites day by day (Numbers 9). They never knew whether the next day would require moving or staying.
Both of these are, I think, examples of what it looks like to walk by faith and not by sight, and also examples of the Lord’s faithfulness to provide and guide. In the midst of change, fluctuating circumstances, and an uncertain future (more obviously uncertain than normal, anyway), I appreciate both of those reminders.
As we just finished our mid week study on 1 Samuel, we were constantly reminded of Gods’ faithfulness throughout David’s trials and travels. He had his ups and downs, but through that proved that God is faithful. By looking at what we consider routine does the work of the Lord show through. Sometimes we get so busy and stressed with everyday life that we forget to stop and listen to the still small voice of God that leads us and sustains us. Thanks for the reminder in these unusual times that He is still in control.