I’ve written before about why I believe small group Bible studies are important and some of the benefits to be reaped by participating therein. This year, though, as another semester of study begins, it seems especially important to revisit those things, and offer a bit of encouragement as we begin again. You can read my original thoughts here, before moving on to brief thoughts about the next few months of study.
First, I think we should acknowledge that our attitudes and levels of enthusiasm may be different from past semesters. It’s not possible to approach each semester exactly the same as we did the one before. We’re not the same person – at the very least, we should have been changed and sanctified, grown in knowledge and understanding of the Lord, by our study – and that should change our mindset as well. At the opening of this semester more than any other, it’s ok for motives and reasoning and attitudes to be different than they have been.
Secondly, I’m pretty sure none of us are truly excited at the prospect of returning to small group by video. Maybe you can meet in person sometimes (or all the time). The reality is that for many, limitations imposed by schedule demands, child care needs, or health concerns leave electronic means as the only option – and it’s ok to both sign up and commit to that, and also not be 100% thrilled about it.
Thirdly and finally, extroverts, please be patient. Introverts have had the summer (and spring) with its relative lack of pressure to participate in social conventions, and many of us have enjoyed the comparative quiet. (Thanks, covid.) It might take us some time to remember how to engage in meaningful ways. We might be (ok, I definitely am) a little rusty at the deeper levels of communication and engagement that make a small group Bible study meaningful and worthwhile, and electronic media only exacerbate that. Give us a couple weeks to settle back into it.
Whatever your availability is this fall, there are options, not only through my home church, Parkside Green, but a myriad of other trustworthy churches, both in person and online. If you don’t already have a group with which to study and discuss the Word of God, I hope you’ll put the effort into finding one. Drop me a note if you’d like some links to consider.
As the early church gathered together for worship and the reading of Gods Word, we too will be together again, either in person or via video. I believe I get the most out of it by being in person and sharing other peoples thoughts and insights on our studies. It will take me a little time to adjust but I am looking forward to growing in Christ with the people in class. Whether we are as boisterous as Peter or quiet as Jude, we are all part of the family of God.