Late summer, before the true beginning of fall, is a treasured time for me. Summers are long and generally uneventful, but for many, the busyness of vacations and breaks in routine and day-trips and general chaos means that connections with friends can be haphazard at best. But early September is a sweet time when our…
He Who Promised
Recently we had the pleasure of traveling to an astronomy park for a summer meteor shower. The weather forecast was rather unpromising, but as we had already made the reservations and taken the time off work, we went for it anyway. It was a rather cloudy night, with rain both earlier in the day and…
In His Image: Patience – Part 3
This is part three of three covering a short talk on the topic of how we should reflect the patience of the Lord. Part one can be found here, and part two here. When are we most tempted to be impatient, particularly with God? It seems to often be during times of perceived injustice, when…
In His Image: Patience – Part 2
This is part two of three covering a short talk on the topic of how we should reflect the patience of the Lord. Part one can be found here. As I was reading more about patience, particularly those Scriptures where it is explicitly mentioned, two different portions of Paul’s letters were rather striking: Colossians 3:12-13…
In His Image: Patience – Part 1
Last week, I wrote briefly about Ephesians 5:1 and Paul’s call for us as believers to follow after, or imitate, God as beloved children. The final note there was that we need to be certain we’re following after God in His communicable attributes. Last summer the women’s ministry at Parkside offered a book study on…
Imitators of God
Ephesians 5:1 – “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” We see it all around us: From the young boy who loves to wear “Daddy shirts” to church to the small girls playing dress-up with Mom’s heels from the closet, small children imitate their parents. It’s one way in which they learn about their…
Recent Reads, Volume II
A brief summary of what I’m currently reading or have recently finished, why I read it, and whether I’d recommend it. Although really, it’d have to be truly terrible for me to bother writing about a book I wouldn’t recommend…… The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Rebecca Skloot) – when a friend with extremely similar…
Better Than Silence
Last week I wrote a little bit about 2 Samuel 13 (it can be found here if you missed it or need a refresher), and one of the major things we learned from the account of Amnon and Tamar is that silence cannot be our response. So today, I wanted to highlight three organizations that…
The Worst Story in the Bible
Thanks in part to Jen Wilkin, for giving me the courage to write this. Well, with an opener like that, who really wants to keep reading? Actually, there are more contenders for this infamous title than one might expect – apparently humanity is sinful and makes terrible decisions (hello, Judges) – and I consider this…
Weapons of Warfare
2 Corinthians 10:3-6: “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive…