“You’ve got this!” I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s received that phrase in response to expressed feelings of inadequacy and being overwhelmed by life’s circumstances and demands. As well-meaning as the intentions are, I’m probably not the only one that finds that it often falls short in effectiveness. Perhaps if it’s a matter of self-esteem, or an objective under-estimation of my own skills, it could be useful. Nine times out of ten though, I truly am insufficient in my own strength for the task at hand.
I was reading recently in Exodus, specifically in chapters 3 and 4, in which we read the account of God calling Moses from the burning bush. After God said that He was sending Moses to Pharaoh to lead His people out of slavery, Moses’s response was “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” First, I find it interesting that Moses used the same phrasing that God did. There’s no chance that he misunderstood; he repeated the call virtually word for word.
Secondly, God’s response is intriguing as well. He didn’t tell Moses that “he’s got this”. There was no false assurance of self-sufficiency. Instead, the Lord responded to Moses’s statements of inadequacy with an assurance of His own presence: “But I will be with you”. Even as Moses continued to voice concerns and raise objections, the Lord responded along the same tack. The focus was never on how Moses had the strength, skills, or sufficiency to fulfill the call, but on the presence, character, and faithfulness of the Lord Himself.
It’s the same with us today. The Lord doesn’t call the wise, powerful, noble, or well-qualified to do His work; He calls those through whom His own power will be most evident. Perhaps (almost definitely) you’ve heard it said that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. Maybe it’s just me, but He definitely gives me more than I can handle all the time. He doesn’t give me more than I can handle in His strength and power though.
It’s not a panacea. There are real, practical concerns, and sometimes we need the practical advice our friends can give us when we’re feeling overwhelmed with the tasks to which the Lord has called us. But perhaps a shift in focus, from our own skills and abilities to the presence of the Lord, is the root of the response we truly require.
Very insightful and good timing for me currently!