My home sits at the top of a ridge running more or less in a north-south direction, with slopes both in front and back. The backyard slopes east toward woods, and all the bedrooms have at least one window that lets in the early morning sun, its rays filtered through the trees. The front of…
Category: Life
Plan to Succeed
I padded quietly through the house, trying to avoid running into invisible chairs or tripping over the cat. She has a talent for walking literally under my feet, moving exactly where I was going to next step. The coffee maker, on a timer, had started 15 minutes earlier and was sputtering through the last few…
Created to Draw Near
The concept of priests and priesthood probably strikes most Protestants as a little…..different. For those with closer ties to Catholicism, it may smack of tradition and ritual, of unintelligible and unknown church teachings. For those more well-versed in the Old Testament, it might bring to mind the image of sacrifices, blood, and altars, of inspections…
Consider the Source
When I was a kid, my dad had this corner bookshelf on which he kept a variety of items. There were some classic novels – several Dickens, and a few others I think; a few different dictionaries and other reference books like Strong’s Concordance and a thesaurus or two; notable pieces of his rock collection:…
Odder Than You Could Have Believed
One of the books I’m reading this year is a daily devotional comprised of selections from the works of C. S. Lewis. It’s likely never going to be my favorite of his works – there’s a thing called context that adds significant meaning and emphasis, and much of it is missing in a book such…
Wise in Your Own Eyes
There’s nothing quite like Proverbs for pithy words to live by. Short, not usually sweet but very to the point, and although even children can understand them on some level, there’s always something deeper to mull over. It’s been my habit as part of my daily Bible reading, off and on for as long as…
Pinching Fruit
It’s about this time of year that fruit tree growers have a habit of truly mystifying the casual observer. After obsessing over the temperatures, and the timing of frost compared to bloom, and the merits of cover versus no cover, and what risks post-pollination frost poses to the harvest, it would seem that finally, a…
I hadn’t been at my new job very long, maybe a couple of weeks and certainly less than a month, when I noticed a disturbing and unhelpful pattern of behavior occurring in my office on an almost daily basis. It would start with a round of heavy sighs and a disgusted shaking of the head…
A Plot Reserved for Weeds
“He who wants to keep his garden tidy does not reserve a plot for weeds.” – Dag Hammarskjold (as quoted by Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People). I read that quote at some point in the last couple days, and it came to mind again as I was pulling weeds from…
Self-Help Limitations
Self-help books aren’t really my preferred choice of reading material, but a colleague gave me a copy of Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People a few years ago. In an effort to actually read the books I own rather than letting them sit on my shelf, I took it to work with…