It’s been a difficult few months, even by 2020 standards, for many of those around me. Miscarriage, marital conflict, rocky relocations, severe illness, loneliness, and the slow decline or even death of loved ones has weighed heavily on my friends and family. Our bedtime routine a couple days ago brought us to Frank Graeff’s “Does Jesus Care?”, and the lyrics have stuck with me.
Really, it reminded me of many of the psalms. It’s honest about the trials and suffering we face here in a broken world – profound heartache, pressing burdens, unknown futures and unseen paths, dark tearful nights, and the separation of death from those whose companionship and presence we treasure – and about doubts we may have in the midst of those hard things. Does Jesus really see? Does he know what we’re going through, and are these hardships proof that his love is not as unfailing as we had hoped? In stating these questions, the author through these lyrics is far more honest about our questions than we are with those around us, or even ourselves.
Also like the psalms, we’re not left to consider only our questions and fears. We’re brought back to the simple truth that yes, our Savior cares.
Simple, yes; but that doesn’t mean it’s not impactful. In our darkest moments, we often don’t need deep and complicated theological arguments. We just need one fact we can hold onto and know for certain. This one, based on 1 Peter 5:7, is such a fact. More certain than the sun dawning tomorrow, Jesus cares. If this is a season of hardship for you, I pray this truth shines into your darkness and brightens it, just a bit.
Click here to read the full lyrics, or listen to Sandy Patty sing it.
If there’s a particular song, Scripture, or truth that’s been helpful to you in the darker moments or seasons of your life, I’d love for you to tell me about it. Comment below, or send me an email at
One of my favorite songs is “It Is Well With My Soul”. Written almost 150yrs ago, it brings out the anguish of trials and loss, yet reminds us that no matter what, it is well with my soul. There have been years worse than 2020 for most of us, but we are blessed to know that no matter what Jesus cares and His love endures forever.
Your blog has helped bring to light the blessings that God gives us everyday, if only we just look to Him. Thank you again for sharing Gods’ love with us.
This song is gold, pure gold. Thanks for the reminder of the wonder of God’s presence and care in our lives.